проф. д.н. Иван Ланджев
проф. д.н. Иван Ланджев
Департамент: Информатика
Телефон: -
E-mail: i.landjev@nbu.bg
Приемно време: Вторник 15:00-17:00 712 II Корпус,Четвъртък 13:00-15:00 712 II Корпус
Професионална автобиография:
Лични данни
15. август 1960 г., гр. Бургас, България Български гражданин женен; две деца
Заемани длъжности
професор Нов Български Университет 10.2004 -
професор Бургаски Свободен Университет 09.2001 - 02.2004
ст.н.с. I ст. ИМИ-БАН 09.2001 - 02.2003
ст.н.с. II ст. ИМИ-БАН 04.1996 - 09.2001
професор University of Salford 09.1998 - 08.1999
ст.н.с. II ст. ИМИ-БАН 04.1996 - 08.1998
н.с. I ст. ИМИ-БАН 06.1995 - 03.1996
гост-професор Michigan Technological University 10.1994 - 05.1995
н.с. III ст. ИМИ-БАН 08.1990 - 10.1994
Академична История
• Изследователска визита: Zhijiang University, 10.-11. 2010
• Изследователска визита: Zhijiang University, 04.-05. 2009
• Стипендия на Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung,
Technische Universitat Munchen 02.-05.2003
• Доктор на математическите науки
Дисертация: “Линейни кодове и множества от точки в крайни геометрии”
• EPSRC Research Fellow: University of Salford, UK 09.1998 - 08.1999
• Стипендия на Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung Technische Universitat Munchen, 09.1997-08.1998
• Изследователска визита:
Institute of Mathematics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences 03.1997
• Visiting Professor: Michigan Technological University, 10.1994-05. 1995
• Стипендия на The Royal Society: University of Salford, 09.1993 - 07.1994
• Изследователска визита: Linkoping University, 08.1993-09.1993
• Изследователска визита DFG: Technische Universitat Munchen, 05.1993-07.1993
• Стипендия на DAAD: Technische Universitat Munchen, 10.1991-07.1992
• Кандидатска дисертация:
“Конструктивни методи в теория на комбинаторните конфигурации, СУ “Св. Кл. Охридски”, научен ръководител; доц. Вл. Тончев, 06.1990
• Специализация:
Институт Проблем Передачи Информации, АН СССР, 10.1988-12.1988
• Специализация: Debrecen University, 10.1997-12.1997
• Специализация:
Институт Проблем Передачи Информации, АН СССР, 02.1988-03.1988
• Висше образование: СУ “Кл. Охридски”, ФММ, специалност “матем-атика”, 06.1986
Преподавателска дейност
Натовареност от около 250 часа годишно, включваща водене на лекции по
следните дисциплини:
Комбинаторика† S 2010-
Криптография† S 2009-
Кодиране и защита на данни? W 2004-
Криптография? W 2004-
Мрежови алгоритми? S 2005-
Дисцретна математика? W 2004-
Complexity and Algorithms? S 2005-
Алгоритми и структури от данни? S 1999-2002
Приложна алгебра? S 2001-2002
Увод в криптологията* S 1999-2004
Дискретна математика* W/S 1999-2004
Алгоритми и структури от данни* W 1999-2004
Увод в криптологията† W 1996-1997
Увод в криптологията† W 1995-1996
Calculus and Analytical Geometry‡ (МА 151) W 1994-1995
Calculus and Analytical Geometry‡ (MA152) W 1994-1995
Calculus and Analytical Geometry‡ (MA151) S 1994-1995
Calculus and Analytical Geometry‡ (MA250) S 1994-1995
Увод в криптологията† W 1992-1993
Висша Алгебра† W 1992-1993
Линейна Алгебра† W 1990-1991
Висша Алгебра† W/S 1990-1991
Комбинаторика† (Теория на дизайните) S 1990-1991
Дискретна математика† W/S 1989-1990
Висша Алгебра† W/S 1989-1990
Комбинаторика† S 1989-1990
Дискретна математика† W/S 1988-1989
Езици за програмиране† (Pascal/C) W 1988-1989
Висша Алгебра† W/S 1988-1989
Комбинаторика† S 1988-1989
Дискретна математика† W/S 1987-1988
Висша Алгебра† W/S 1987-1988
Дискретна математика† W/S 1986-1987
* Тези лекции са водени във факултета по Приложна Математика и Информатика на БСУ
? Тези лекции са водени в Нов Български Университет
† Тези лекции са водени във Факултета по Математика и Информатика на Софийския Университет
‡ Тези лекции са водени във Department of Mathematical Sciences, Michigan Technological University
Докторантски курсове
• Интензивен докторантски курс: Coding Theoretical Aspects of Information Theory, 10.2003
• CIMPA Summer School on Codes over Rings: Codes over Rings and Projective Hjelm- slev Geometries, METU, Ankara, 09.2007
• Интензивен докторантски курс: Cryptography and Complexity, 10.2011 г.
• Интензивен докторантски курс: Coding Theory and Cryptography, 06.2012 г.
• Ася Петрова Русева - защитила 2005 г., доцент ФМИ, СУ
• Стоян Тодоров Боев - защитил 2010 г., гл. асистент, НБУ
• Невяна Георгиева - зачислена за докотрант 2012 г., НБУ
• 10 дипломанти в НБУ, СУ и БСУ
Доклади на конференции
• 14th Int. Conf. in Computer Science and Education in Computer Science, Boston University, 29.06.-03.07.2018
• COMBINATORICS 2018, Arco, Italy, 04.-10.06.2018
• Fifth Irsee Conference “Finite Geometry”, Kloster Irsee, 10.09.-16.09.2017
• 13th International Conference on Finite Fields and Their Applications, Fql3, Gaeta, Italy, 04.-10.06.2017
• 13th Int. Conf. in Computer Science and Education in Computer Science, Albena, Bulgaria, 30.06.-03.07.2017
• 15th International Workshop on Algebraic and Combinatorial Coding Theory, ACCT- XV, Albena, 18.06.-24.06.2016
• 12th Int. Conf. in Computer Science and Education in Computer Science, Fulda-Nurnberg, 01.07.-04.07.2016
• COMBINATORICS 2018, Maratea, Italy, 29.05.-04.06.2016
• 8th Workshop on Coding Theory and Cryptography, INRIA, Paris, 13.-17.04.2015
• ALCOMA 2015, Kloster Banz, 15.-20.03.2015
• 11th International Conference on Computer Science and Education in Computer Sci-ence, Boston University, 04.06.-07.06.2015
• Conference on Groups, Rings and Their Applications, GRiTA 2015, July, 15-22,2015, Sofia, Bulgaria
• 12th International Conference on Geometry and Applications, St. Constantine and Helena, 01.09.-06.09.2015
• COMBINATORICA2012, University of Perugia, Perugia, Italy, September, 2012
• 8th Conference in Computer Science, Boston University, Boston, USA, July, 2012
• 13th International Workshop on ACCT, Pomorie, Bulgaria, June, 2012
• 10th International Conference on Geometry and Applications, Varna, September, 2011
• 7th Int. Conf. in Computer Science and Education in Computer Science, Sofia, July, 2011
• 10th International Conference on Finite Fields and Applications (Fq10), University of Ghent, July, 2011
• 7th Workshop on Coding Theory and Cryptography, WCC11, INRIA, Paris, April, 2011
• Twelfth International Workshop on ACCT, Novgorod, Russia, September, 2010
• 16th Conference on Geometry and Applications, Vrnjacka banja, Serbia, September, 2010
• 6th Int. Conf. in Computer Science and Education in Computer Science, Fulda, June, 2010
• ALCOMA10, Schloss Thurnau (plenary talk), April, 2010
• Kolloquium in Kombinatorik COLCOM, Otto-von-Guericke Universitat, Magdeburg, October, 2009
• 9th International Conference on Geometry and Applications, Varna, September, 2009
• 9th International Conference on Finite Fields and Applications (Fq9), University Col¬lege Dublin, July, 2009
• Fifth International Workshop on Optimal Codes, Sozopol, June, 2009
• AAECC-18, Tarragona, Spain, June, 2009
• Galois Geometries and Applications, University of Ghent (plenary talk), May, 2009
• Eleventh International Workshop on ACCT, Varna, Bulgaria, June, 2008
• IMST2008, The University of Memphis, USA, May 15-18, 2008
• CIMPA Summer School on Codes over Rings, METU, Ankara, (plenary talk) August, 2007
• Spring Conference of the UBM (plenary talk), April, 2007
• Tenth International Workshop on ACCT, Zvenigorod, Russia, September, 2006
• International Symposium in honour of Prof. J. van Lint, Eindhoven, October, 2005
• Third International Workshop on Optimal Codes, Pamporovo, Bulgaria, June, 2005
• Ninth International Workshop on ACCT, Kranevo, Bulgaria, June, 2004
• Eighth International Workshop on ACCT, Carskoe Selo, Russia, September, 2002
• International Meeting on Algebra, Anatlya, Turkey, May, 2002
• Conference on Finite Geometries and Codes, Oberwolfach, Germany, November, 2001
• Fourth Isle of Thorns Conference on Finite Geometries, Isle of Thorns, UK, July, 2000
• Seventh International Workshop on ACCT, Bansko, Bulgaria, June, 2000
• Finite Fields and Applications, University of Augsburg, August, 1999
• British Combinatorial Conference, University of Kent, Canterbury, July, 1999
• Sixth International Workshop on ACCT, Pskov, Russia, September, 1998
• Second International Workshop on Optimal Codes, Sozopol, June, 1997
• Spring Conference of the UBM (plenary talk), April, 1997
• Stefan Banach Semester in Discrete Mathematics, Warsaw (plenary talk), August, 1996
• Fifth International Workshop on ACCT, Sozopol, June, 1996
• International Workshop on Optimal Codes, Sozopol, June, 1995
• Fourth International Workshop on ACCT, Novgorod, Russia, September, 1994
• IMA Conference on Finite Fields and Applications, Royal Holloway, June, 1994
• IEEE Symposium on Information Theory, Trondheim, Norway, June, 1994
• Conference on Designs and Codes, Oberwolfach, Germany, April, 1994
• Swedish-Russian Seminar on Information Theory, Molle, Sweden, August, 1993
• French-Israeli Workshop on Coding Theory, Paris, June, 1993
• International Seminar on Geometry, Munich, Germany, March, 1993
• Symposium on Discrete Mathematics in honour to Prof. J. van Lint, Eindhoven, September, 1992
• Third International Workshop on ACCT, Voneshta voda, June, 1992
• International Seminar on Goemetry and Applications, Munich, March, 1992
• Second International Workshop on ACCT, Leningrad, September, 1990
Лекции по покана
• University of Bayreuth, Sets of points in finite ring geometries, 04.05.2011
• University of Bayreuth, Polynomial methods in Galois geometries, 05.05.2011
• Zhejiang University, Divisible arcs and the polynomial method, 02.11.2010
• Ghent University, Codes and Galois geometries, 02.06.2009
• Zhejiang University, Codes and Galois geometries, 08.05.2009
• Universite Libre des Bruxelles, Arcs and blocking sets in projective Hjelmslev spaces over finite chain rings, 07.03.2008
• University of Perugia, On multiple insertion/deletion codes, 06.2006
• Technische Universitat Munchen, Linear codes over finite chain rings, 04.2003
• Salford University, On arcs in projective Hjelmslev planes, 06.2000
Забележка. Пленарните доклади по покана са в списъка с изнесени доклади на конференции.
Членства в организационни комитети, програмни комитети
• Co-chair of the Organizing Committee, International Conference in Computer Science and Education in Computer Science, Boston University, Boston, 2012
• Programme Committee, Thirteenth International Workshop on ACCT, Pomorie, Bul¬garia, 2012
• Co-chair of the Organizing Committee, International Conference in Computer Science and Education in Computer Science, Fulda, 2010
• Organizing Committee, Twelfth International Workshop on ACCT, Akademgorodok, Novosibirsk, Russia, 2010
• Co-chair of the Organizing Committee, International Conference in Computer Science and Education in Computer Science, Boston University, 2009
• Co-chair of the Organizing Committee, Festkolloquium in honour of Professor Werner Heise, TUM, Munchen, August, 2009
• Co-chair of the Organizing Committee, International Conference in Computer Science and Education in Computer Science, Borovec, 2008
• Organizing Committee, Eleventh International Workshop on ACCT, Pamporovo, Bul¬garia, 2008
• Co-chair of the Organizing Committee, International Conference in Computer Science and Education in Computer Science, Borovec, 2007
• Organizing Committee, Fifth International Workshop on Optimal Codes and Related Topics, Kranevo, Bulgaria, 2006
• Organizing Committee, Tenth International Workshop on ACCT, Zvenigorod, Russia, 2006
• Organizing Committee, Ninth International Workshop on ACCT, Kranevo, Bulgaria, 2004
• Organizing Committee, Eighth International Workshop on ACCT, Carskoe selo, Russia, 2002
• Organizing Committee, Seventh International Workshop on ACCT, Bansko, 2000
• Organizing Committee, Sixth International Workshop on ACCT, Pskov, 1998
• Organizing Committee, Second International Workshop on Optimal Codes, Sozopol,
• Organizing Committee, Fifth International Workshop on ACCT, Sozopol, 1996
• Organizing Committee, International Workshop on Optimal Codes, Sozopol, 1995
• Organizing Committee, Fourth International Workshop on ACCT, Novgorod, 1994
• Organizing Committee, Third International Workshop on ACCT, V.voda, 1992
• Organizing Committee, Second International Workshop on ACCT, Leningrad, 1990
• Organizing Committee, First International Workshop on ACCT, Varna, 1988
Членства в редколегии
• Editor, Journal of Geometry от 2014 г.
• Editor, Designs, Codes and Cryptography от 2012 г.
• Editor, Advances in Mathematics of Communication (от 2007)
• Local Co-Editor, Zentralblatt MATH (от 2003)
Членства в научни съвети, експертни комисии и др.
• СНС по приложна математика и информатика, 2002-2010 г.
• Комисия за извънкласна работа по математика 2-12 кл., 2000 г.—
• Председател на комисия за извънкласна работа по математика 2-12 кл., 2007— 2009 г.
• Член на жури за избор на академици и член-кореспонденти -
2005 г., 2009 г.
• Научен съвет ИМИ: 2003 г. —
• Академичен съвет на НБУ: 2007 г. — 2009 г.
• Ръководител на департамент “Информатика” НБУ: 2007 г. — 2009 г.
• Председател на експертна група в НАОА за акредитацията на програми по математика и информатика в СУ “Св Кл. Охридски и БСУ
• Член на комисията по математика и информатика към НФНИ: 2001—2009 г.
• Рецензент за следните списания:
Designs, Codes and Cryptography, Advances in Mathematics of Communications, Discrete Mathematics, Finite Fields and Applications, Journal of Geometry, Linear Algebra and Applications, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Australasian Journal of Combi¬natorics, Journal of Combinatorial theory Ser. A, Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, Journal of Combinatorial Designs, Проблмы передачи информации, Дискретная математика, Serdica Math J., Pliska, Serdica J. of Computing.
Участие в проекта
Участник в договор Но 37/1987 г. с Комитета за наука
Участник в договори с Фонд НИ: ММ-502/1995, И-506/1995, И-803/1998, ММ-901/2000, ММ-1405/2004
Участник в договор G.0317.06 с Scientific Research Fund of Flanders (FWO) Преставител за България в ICT COST Action IC1104:
Random Network Coding and Designs over GF(q)
Членство в професионални организации
Съюз на Математиците в България The American Mathematical Society
Научни интереси
• Теория на кодирането
- оптимални линейни кодове над полета и пръстени
- линейна представимост над верижни пръстени
- самодуални кодове
- радиус на покритие на линейни/нелинейни кодове
- декодиране на линейни кодове
- квадратично-остатъчни кодове
- връзки на кодирането с теория на дизайните и крайните геометрии
• Крайни геометрии
- множества от точки в проективни геометрии над крайни полета (арки, шапки, блокиращи множества и др.)
- проективни геометрии на Йелмслев
- q- и R-аналози на дизайни
• Комбинаторика
- Блок-дизайни с повтарящи се блокове
- симетрични дизайни
- разделими дизайни, трансверзални дизайни, Латински квадрати
- матрици на Адамар, обобщени матрици на Адамар
- разностни множества
- силно регулярни графи, частични геометрии
• Криптография
асиметрична криптография (криптосистеми с публичен ключ)
- криптографски протокол
- схеми за разпределяне на данни
15. август 1960 г., гр. Бургас, България Български гражданин женен; две деца
Заемани длъжности
професор Нов Български Университет 10.2004 -
професор Бургаски Свободен Университет 09.2001 - 02.2004
ст.н.с. I ст. ИМИ-БАН 09.2001 - 02.2003
ст.н.с. II ст. ИМИ-БАН 04.1996 - 09.2001
професор University of Salford 09.1998 - 08.1999
ст.н.с. II ст. ИМИ-БАН 04.1996 - 08.1998
н.с. I ст. ИМИ-БАН 06.1995 - 03.1996
гост-професор Michigan Technological University 10.1994 - 05.1995
н.с. III ст. ИМИ-БАН 08.1990 - 10.1994
Академична История
• Изследователска визита: Zhijiang University, 10.-11. 2010
• Изследователска визита: Zhijiang University, 04.-05. 2009
• Стипендия на Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung,
Technische Universitat Munchen 02.-05.2003
• Доктор на математическите науки
Дисертация: “Линейни кодове и множества от точки в крайни геометрии”
• EPSRC Research Fellow: University of Salford, UK 09.1998 - 08.1999
• Стипендия на Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung Technische Universitat Munchen, 09.1997-08.1998
• Изследователска визита:
Institute of Mathematics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences 03.1997
• Visiting Professor: Michigan Technological University, 10.1994-05. 1995
• Стипендия на The Royal Society: University of Salford, 09.1993 - 07.1994
• Изследователска визита: Linkoping University, 08.1993-09.1993
• Изследователска визита DFG: Technische Universitat Munchen, 05.1993-07.1993
• Стипендия на DAAD: Technische Universitat Munchen, 10.1991-07.1992
• Кандидатска дисертация:
“Конструктивни методи в теория на комбинаторните конфигурации, СУ “Св. Кл. Охридски”, научен ръководител; доц. Вл. Тончев, 06.1990
• Специализация:
Институт Проблем Передачи Информации, АН СССР, 10.1988-12.1988
• Специализация: Debrecen University, 10.1997-12.1997
• Специализация:
Институт Проблем Передачи Информации, АН СССР, 02.1988-03.1988
• Висше образование: СУ “Кл. Охридски”, ФММ, специалност “матем-атика”, 06.1986
Преподавателска дейност
Натовареност от около 250 часа годишно, включваща водене на лекции по
следните дисциплини:
Комбинаторика† S 2010-
Криптография† S 2009-
Кодиране и защита на данни? W 2004-
Криптография? W 2004-
Мрежови алгоритми? S 2005-
Дисцретна математика? W 2004-
Complexity and Algorithms? S 2005-
Алгоритми и структури от данни? S 1999-2002
Приложна алгебра? S 2001-2002
Увод в криптологията* S 1999-2004
Дискретна математика* W/S 1999-2004
Алгоритми и структури от данни* W 1999-2004
Увод в криптологията† W 1996-1997
Увод в криптологията† W 1995-1996
Calculus and Analytical Geometry‡ (МА 151) W 1994-1995
Calculus and Analytical Geometry‡ (MA152) W 1994-1995
Calculus and Analytical Geometry‡ (MA151) S 1994-1995
Calculus and Analytical Geometry‡ (MA250) S 1994-1995
Увод в криптологията† W 1992-1993
Висша Алгебра† W 1992-1993
Линейна Алгебра† W 1990-1991
Висша Алгебра† W/S 1990-1991
Комбинаторика† (Теория на дизайните) S 1990-1991
Дискретна математика† W/S 1989-1990
Висша Алгебра† W/S 1989-1990
Комбинаторика† S 1989-1990
Дискретна математика† W/S 1988-1989
Езици за програмиране† (Pascal/C) W 1988-1989
Висша Алгебра† W/S 1988-1989
Комбинаторика† S 1988-1989
Дискретна математика† W/S 1987-1988
Висша Алгебра† W/S 1987-1988
Дискретна математика† W/S 1986-1987
* Тези лекции са водени във факултета по Приложна Математика и Информатика на БСУ
? Тези лекции са водени в Нов Български Университет
† Тези лекции са водени във Факултета по Математика и Информатика на Софийския Университет
‡ Тези лекции са водени във Department of Mathematical Sciences, Michigan Technological University
Докторантски курсове
• Интензивен докторантски курс: Coding Theoretical Aspects of Information Theory, 10.2003
• CIMPA Summer School on Codes over Rings: Codes over Rings and Projective Hjelm- slev Geometries, METU, Ankara, 09.2007
• Интензивен докторантски курс: Cryptography and Complexity, 10.2011 г.
• Интензивен докторантски курс: Coding Theory and Cryptography, 06.2012 г.
• Ася Петрова Русева - защитила 2005 г., доцент ФМИ, СУ
• Стоян Тодоров Боев - защитил 2010 г., гл. асистент, НБУ
• Невяна Георгиева - зачислена за докотрант 2012 г., НБУ
• 10 дипломанти в НБУ, СУ и БСУ
Доклади на конференции
• 14th Int. Conf. in Computer Science and Education in Computer Science, Boston University, 29.06.-03.07.2018
• COMBINATORICS 2018, Arco, Italy, 04.-10.06.2018
• Fifth Irsee Conference “Finite Geometry”, Kloster Irsee, 10.09.-16.09.2017
• 13th International Conference on Finite Fields and Their Applications, Fql3, Gaeta, Italy, 04.-10.06.2017
• 13th Int. Conf. in Computer Science and Education in Computer Science, Albena, Bulgaria, 30.06.-03.07.2017
• 15th International Workshop on Algebraic and Combinatorial Coding Theory, ACCT- XV, Albena, 18.06.-24.06.2016
• 12th Int. Conf. in Computer Science and Education in Computer Science, Fulda-Nurnberg, 01.07.-04.07.2016
• COMBINATORICS 2018, Maratea, Italy, 29.05.-04.06.2016
• 8th Workshop on Coding Theory and Cryptography, INRIA, Paris, 13.-17.04.2015
• ALCOMA 2015, Kloster Banz, 15.-20.03.2015
• 11th International Conference on Computer Science and Education in Computer Sci-ence, Boston University, 04.06.-07.06.2015
• Conference on Groups, Rings and Their Applications, GRiTA 2015, July, 15-22,2015, Sofia, Bulgaria
• 12th International Conference on Geometry and Applications, St. Constantine and Helena, 01.09.-06.09.2015
• COMBINATORICA2012, University of Perugia, Perugia, Italy, September, 2012
• 8th Conference in Computer Science, Boston University, Boston, USA, July, 2012
• 13th International Workshop on ACCT, Pomorie, Bulgaria, June, 2012
• 10th International Conference on Geometry and Applications, Varna, September, 2011
• 7th Int. Conf. in Computer Science and Education in Computer Science, Sofia, July, 2011
• 10th International Conference on Finite Fields and Applications (Fq10), University of Ghent, July, 2011
• 7th Workshop on Coding Theory and Cryptography, WCC11, INRIA, Paris, April, 2011
• Twelfth International Workshop on ACCT, Novgorod, Russia, September, 2010
• 16th Conference on Geometry and Applications, Vrnjacka banja, Serbia, September, 2010
• 6th Int. Conf. in Computer Science and Education in Computer Science, Fulda, June, 2010
• ALCOMA10, Schloss Thurnau (plenary talk), April, 2010
• Kolloquium in Kombinatorik COLCOM, Otto-von-Guericke Universitat, Magdeburg, October, 2009
• 9th International Conference on Geometry and Applications, Varna, September, 2009
• 9th International Conference on Finite Fields and Applications (Fq9), University Col¬lege Dublin, July, 2009
• Fifth International Workshop on Optimal Codes, Sozopol, June, 2009
• AAECC-18, Tarragona, Spain, June, 2009
• Galois Geometries and Applications, University of Ghent (plenary talk), May, 2009
• Eleventh International Workshop on ACCT, Varna, Bulgaria, June, 2008
• IMST2008, The University of Memphis, USA, May 15-18, 2008
• CIMPA Summer School on Codes over Rings, METU, Ankara, (plenary talk) August, 2007
• Spring Conference of the UBM (plenary talk), April, 2007
• Tenth International Workshop on ACCT, Zvenigorod, Russia, September, 2006
• International Symposium in honour of Prof. J. van Lint, Eindhoven, October, 2005
• Third International Workshop on Optimal Codes, Pamporovo, Bulgaria, June, 2005
• Ninth International Workshop on ACCT, Kranevo, Bulgaria, June, 2004
• Eighth International Workshop on ACCT, Carskoe Selo, Russia, September, 2002
• International Meeting on Algebra, Anatlya, Turkey, May, 2002
• Conference on Finite Geometries and Codes, Oberwolfach, Germany, November, 2001
• Fourth Isle of Thorns Conference on Finite Geometries, Isle of Thorns, UK, July, 2000
• Seventh International Workshop on ACCT, Bansko, Bulgaria, June, 2000
• Finite Fields and Applications, University of Augsburg, August, 1999
• British Combinatorial Conference, University of Kent, Canterbury, July, 1999
• Sixth International Workshop on ACCT, Pskov, Russia, September, 1998
• Second International Workshop on Optimal Codes, Sozopol, June, 1997
• Spring Conference of the UBM (plenary talk), April, 1997
• Stefan Banach Semester in Discrete Mathematics, Warsaw (plenary talk), August, 1996
• Fifth International Workshop on ACCT, Sozopol, June, 1996
• International Workshop on Optimal Codes, Sozopol, June, 1995
• Fourth International Workshop on ACCT, Novgorod, Russia, September, 1994
• IMA Conference on Finite Fields and Applications, Royal Holloway, June, 1994
• IEEE Symposium on Information Theory, Trondheim, Norway, June, 1994
• Conference on Designs and Codes, Oberwolfach, Germany, April, 1994
• Swedish-Russian Seminar on Information Theory, Molle, Sweden, August, 1993
• French-Israeli Workshop on Coding Theory, Paris, June, 1993
• International Seminar on Geometry, Munich, Germany, March, 1993
• Symposium on Discrete Mathematics in honour to Prof. J. van Lint, Eindhoven, September, 1992
• Third International Workshop on ACCT, Voneshta voda, June, 1992
• International Seminar on Goemetry and Applications, Munich, March, 1992
• Second International Workshop on ACCT, Leningrad, September, 1990
Лекции по покана
• University of Bayreuth, Sets of points in finite ring geometries, 04.05.2011
• University of Bayreuth, Polynomial methods in Galois geometries, 05.05.2011
• Zhejiang University, Divisible arcs and the polynomial method, 02.11.2010
• Ghent University, Codes and Galois geometries, 02.06.2009
• Zhejiang University, Codes and Galois geometries, 08.05.2009
• Universite Libre des Bruxelles, Arcs and blocking sets in projective Hjelmslev spaces over finite chain rings, 07.03.2008
• University of Perugia, On multiple insertion/deletion codes, 06.2006
• Technische Universitat Munchen, Linear codes over finite chain rings, 04.2003
• Salford University, On arcs in projective Hjelmslev planes, 06.2000
Забележка. Пленарните доклади по покана са в списъка с изнесени доклади на конференции.
Членства в организационни комитети, програмни комитети
• Co-chair of the Organizing Committee, International Conference in Computer Science and Education in Computer Science, Boston University, Boston, 2012
• Programme Committee, Thirteenth International Workshop on ACCT, Pomorie, Bul¬garia, 2012
• Co-chair of the Organizing Committee, International Conference in Computer Science and Education in Computer Science, Fulda, 2010
• Organizing Committee, Twelfth International Workshop on ACCT, Akademgorodok, Novosibirsk, Russia, 2010
• Co-chair of the Organizing Committee, International Conference in Computer Science and Education in Computer Science, Boston University, 2009
• Co-chair of the Organizing Committee, Festkolloquium in honour of Professor Werner Heise, TUM, Munchen, August, 2009
• Co-chair of the Organizing Committee, International Conference in Computer Science and Education in Computer Science, Borovec, 2008
• Organizing Committee, Eleventh International Workshop on ACCT, Pamporovo, Bul¬garia, 2008
• Co-chair of the Organizing Committee, International Conference in Computer Science and Education in Computer Science, Borovec, 2007
• Organizing Committee, Fifth International Workshop on Optimal Codes and Related Topics, Kranevo, Bulgaria, 2006
• Organizing Committee, Tenth International Workshop on ACCT, Zvenigorod, Russia, 2006
• Organizing Committee, Ninth International Workshop on ACCT, Kranevo, Bulgaria, 2004
• Organizing Committee, Eighth International Workshop on ACCT, Carskoe selo, Russia, 2002
• Organizing Committee, Seventh International Workshop on ACCT, Bansko, 2000
• Organizing Committee, Sixth International Workshop on ACCT, Pskov, 1998
• Organizing Committee, Second International Workshop on Optimal Codes, Sozopol,
• Organizing Committee, Fifth International Workshop on ACCT, Sozopol, 1996
• Organizing Committee, International Workshop on Optimal Codes, Sozopol, 1995
• Organizing Committee, Fourth International Workshop on ACCT, Novgorod, 1994
• Organizing Committee, Third International Workshop on ACCT, V.voda, 1992
• Organizing Committee, Second International Workshop on ACCT, Leningrad, 1990
• Organizing Committee, First International Workshop on ACCT, Varna, 1988
Членства в редколегии
• Editor, Journal of Geometry от 2014 г.
• Editor, Designs, Codes and Cryptography от 2012 г.
• Editor, Advances in Mathematics of Communication (от 2007)
• Local Co-Editor, Zentralblatt MATH (от 2003)
Членства в научни съвети, експертни комисии и др.
• СНС по приложна математика и информатика, 2002-2010 г.
• Комисия за извънкласна работа по математика 2-12 кл., 2000 г.—
• Председател на комисия за извънкласна работа по математика 2-12 кл., 2007— 2009 г.
• Член на жури за избор на академици и член-кореспонденти -
2005 г., 2009 г.
• Научен съвет ИМИ: 2003 г. —
• Академичен съвет на НБУ: 2007 г. — 2009 г.
• Ръководител на департамент “Информатика” НБУ: 2007 г. — 2009 г.
• Председател на експертна група в НАОА за акредитацията на програми по математика и информатика в СУ “Св Кл. Охридски и БСУ
• Член на комисията по математика и информатика към НФНИ: 2001—2009 г.
• Рецензент за следните списания:
Designs, Codes and Cryptography, Advances in Mathematics of Communications, Discrete Mathematics, Finite Fields and Applications, Journal of Geometry, Linear Algebra and Applications, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Australasian Journal of Combi¬natorics, Journal of Combinatorial theory Ser. A, Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, Journal of Combinatorial Designs, Проблмы передачи информации, Дискретная математика, Serdica Math J., Pliska, Serdica J. of Computing.
Участие в проекта
Участник в договор Но 37/1987 г. с Комитета за наука
Участник в договори с Фонд НИ: ММ-502/1995, И-506/1995, И-803/1998, ММ-901/2000, ММ-1405/2004
Участник в договор G.0317.06 с Scientific Research Fund of Flanders (FWO) Преставител за България в ICT COST Action IC1104:
Random Network Coding and Designs over GF(q)
Членство в професионални организации
Съюз на Математиците в България The American Mathematical Society
Научни интереси
• Теория на кодирането
- оптимални линейни кодове над полета и пръстени
- линейна представимост над верижни пръстени
- самодуални кодове
- радиус на покритие на линейни/нелинейни кодове
- декодиране на линейни кодове
- квадратично-остатъчни кодове
- връзки на кодирането с теория на дизайните и крайните геометрии
• Крайни геометрии
- множества от точки в проективни геометрии над крайни полета (арки, шапки, блокиращи множества и др.)
- проективни геометрии на Йелмслев
- q- и R-аналози на дизайни
• Комбинаторика
- Блок-дизайни с повтарящи се блокове
- симетрични дизайни
- разделими дизайни, трансверзални дизайни, Латински квадрати
- матрици на Адамар, обобщени матрици на Адамар
- разностни множества
- силно регулярни графи, частични геометрии
• Криптография
асиметрична криптография (криптосистеми с публичен ключ)
- криптографски протокол
- схеми за разпределяне на данни
1. A lower bound for the support size of BIBD’s with repeated blocks, Proceedings of the Conference Dedicated to Acad. L.Chakalov, Samokov, 1986, 104-108.
2. Balanced incomplete block designs (11,3,3) with repeated blocks, Mathematics and Education in Mathematics, Sunny Beach, 1987, 487-492, in bulgarian. [MR 89d:05030][ZBl 626.05005]
3. On symmetric 2-(41,16,6) designs invariant under the Frobenius group of Order 10, Com.pt. Rend. Acad. Bulg. Sei., 40 No5, 1987, 29-31. [MR 88k:05029]
4. 2-(25,10,6) designs invariant under the dihedral group of order 10, Annals of Discrete Mathematics, 34, 1987, 301-306. (with S.Kapralov and V.Tonchev) [MR 89e:05031][ZBl 637.05005]
5. On indecomposable balanced incomplete t-designs, Mathematics and Education in Mathematics, Sunny Beach, 1988, 386-389, in bulgarian.
6. Indecomposable block designs with v=7, k=3, Mathematics and Education in Mathematics, Albena, 1989, 386-389, in bulgarian. [MR 90f:05018]
7. Results on the support of BIB designs, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 22, 1989, 295-306. (with A.S.Hedayat and V.Tonchev. [MR 90d:05037][ZBl 674.05006]
8. The possible support sizes for BIB designs with v=8, k 4, Journal of Combinatorial Theory Ser. A, 51, 1989, 258-267. (with A.S.Hedayat and J.Stufken) [MR 91g:05014]
9. Automorphisms of 2-(22,8,4) designs, Discrete Mathematics, 77, 1989, 177-189. (with V.Tonchev) [MR 91a:05011]
10. BIB(22,8,4) designs with automorphisms of order 2 and self-orthogonal codes over GF(3), Mathe¬matics and Education in Mathematics, Sunny Beach, 1990, 109-111, in bulgarian.
11. A new design, Coding Theory and Design Theory, Part II, The IMA Volumes in Mathematics and Its Applications, Vol. 21, Springer 1990, 251-256. (with J.H. van Lint and V.Tonchev) [MR 91f:05018]
12. On the automorphism group of BIB(22,33,12,8,4) designs, Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on ACCT, Leningrad, September 1990, 133-136. (with K. Manev)
13. On the Z-rank of certain (0,l)-matrices, Derived from Combinatorial Designs, Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on ACCT, V.voda, June 1992, 118-121.
14. On block designs with repeated blocks, Discrete Mathematics, 106/107, 1992, 317-328.
15. A family of codes derived from finite affine spaces, Atti del Seminario Matematico e Fisico dell’Universiia di Modena, XLII, 1994, 455-466.
16. Some lower bounds for mixed covering codes, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 781, 1994, 38-50. (with E. Kolev)
17. Some aspects of anonymity of communications, Swedish-Russian Workshop on Information Theory, Molle, 22-27 August, 1993,287-291.
18. Optimal quaternary codes of dimension four and five, "Algebraic and Comb. Coding Theory", Proc. of the Workshop on ACCT, Novgorod, 1994, 98-101. (with R. Hill and P. Lizak)
19. On near-MDS codes, Proc. of the IEEE Symposium on Information Theory, Trondheim, Norway, 1994, 427. (with S. Dodunekov)
20. On near-MDS codes, Journal of Geometry, 54, 1995, 30-43. (with S. Dodunekov)
21. On a two-dimensional search problem, Serdica Math. J., 21, 1995, 219-230. (with E. Kolev)
22. The nonexistence of [143,5,94]3 codes, Proc. Int. Workshop on Optimal Codes, Sozopol, 1995, 108-117.
23. On maximal spherical codes, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 948, 1995, 158-168. (with P. Boyvalenkov)
24. On the onexistence of [51,4,37]4 codes, Finite Fields and Their Applications, 2, 1996, 96-110. (with R. Hill and T. Maruta)
25. On the binary codes of Steiner Triple Systems, Designs, Codes and Cryptography, 8(1996), 29-43. (with A. Baartmans and V. Tonchev)
26. The geometry of (n, 3)-arcs in the projective plane of order 5, Proc. of the Sixth Workshop on ACCT, Sozopol, 1996, 170-175.
27. Constructions of group divisible designs, Designs, Codes and Cryptography, 8, 1996, 309-318.
28. On the quaternary [11,6,5] and [12,6,6] codes, Applications of Finite Fields (ed. D. Gollmann), IMA Conference Series 59, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1996, 75-84. (with S. Dodunekov)
29. On the nonexistence of some quaternary codes, Applications of Finite Fields (ed. D. Gollmann), IMA Conference Series 59, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1996, 85-98 (with R. Hill)
30. Secret sharing schemes and linear codes over finite fields, Math, and Education in Mathematics, Proc of the 26th Spring Conference of the Union of Bulgarian Mathematicians, Plovdiv, 1997, 13-27.
31. A note on the MacWilliams identities, Compt. Rend. Bulg. Acad. Sei., 50(9-10), 1997, 17-18.
32. Optimal linear codes of dimension 4 over F5, Lecture Notes in Comp. Science, 1255, 1997, 212-220.
33. Projective Hjelmslev geometries, Proc. of the International Workshop on Optimal Codes, Sozopol, 1998, 97-115. (with Th. Honold)
34. Linear codes over finite chain rings, Proc. of the International Workshop on Optimal Codes, Sozopol, 1998, 116-126. (with Th. Honold)
35. The nonexistence of some ternary optimal codes of dimension five, Designs, Codes and Cryptography 15, 1998, 245-258.
36. Linearly representable codes over chain rings, Proc. of the Int. Workshop on ACCT , Pskov, Russia,
1998, pp. 135-141. (with Th. Honold)
37. New symmetric (61,16,4) designs invariant under the dihedral group of order 10, Serdica Math. J., 24, 1998, 179-186. (with Sv. Topalova)
38. All Reed-Muller codes are linearly representable over the ring of dual numbers over Z2, IEEE Trans, on Information Theory, 45, 1999, 700-701. (with Th. Honold)
39. Linearly representable codes over chain rings, Abhandlungen des Mathematischen Seminars der Universitat Hamburg, 69, 1999, 187-203. (with Th. Honold)
40. On maximal spherical codes - II, Journal of Combinatorial Designs, 7(5), 1999. (with P.Boyvalenkov and D.Danev)
41. On the minimum length of quaternary linear codes of dimension five, Discrete Mathematics, 202,
1999, 145-161. (with T. Maruta)
42. Linear codes over finite chain rings, Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 7(1), 2000, Rll. (with Th. Honold)
43. Near-MDS Codes over some small fields, Discrete Mathematics, 213, 2000, 55-65. (with S. Do- dunekov)
44. Linear codes over finite fields and finite projective geometries, Discrete Mathematics, 213, 2000, 211-214.
45. On complete caps in the projective geometries over F3, Journal of Geometry, 67, 2000, 127-144. (with Ray Hill, Chris Jones, Leo Storme and Janos Barat)
46. Caps in PG{5,3) and PG{6,3), Proc. of the 7th International Workshop on ACCT, Bansko, 2000, 65-67. (with J. Barat, Y. Edel, R.Hill, C. Jones and L. Storme).
47. Arcs in projective Hjelmslev spaces obtained from Teichmuller sets, Proc. of the 7th International Workshop on ACCT, Bansko, 2000, 177-182. (with L. Hemme and Th. Honold)
48. Optimal linear codes over F5, Proc. of the 7th International Workshop on ACCT, Bansko, 2000, 207-212. (with A. Rousseva)
49. Mac Williams identities for codes over finite Frobenius rings, In: Finite Fields and Applications (eds. D. Jungnickel, H. Niederreiter), Springer, 2000, 276-292. (with Th. Honold)
50. Dugi v proektivnyh Hjelmslevovyh ploskostyah, Diskretnaya Matematika 13(1) (2001), 90-109.
English translation: Arcs in projective Hjelmslev planes, Discrete Mathematics and Applications 11, 2001, 53-70. (with Th. Honold)
51. On arcs in projective Hjelmslev planes, Discrete Mathematics, 231, 2001, 265-278. (with Th. Honold)
52. On (q2 + q + 2, q + 2)-arcs in the projective plane PG(2, q), Designs, Codes and Cryptography, 24, 2001, 205-224. (with S. Ball, R. Hill and N.H. Ward)
53. The geometric approach to linear codes, in: Finite Geometries (eds. A. Blokhuis, J. Hirschfeld, D. Jungnickel, J. Thas), Ser. Developments in Mathematics, 2001, 247-257.
54. The classification of the largest caps in AG{5,3), Journal of Combinatorial Theory Ser. A, 99(2002), 95-110. (with Y. Edel, S. Ferret, L. Storme)
55. On the nonexistence of some optimal arcs in PC?(4,4), Proc. of the 8th International Workshop on ACCT, Carskoe selo, 2002, 176-180. (with A. Rousseva)
56. On optimal codes over the field with five elements, Designs Codes and Cryptography, 29(2003),
165-175. (with T. Maruta, R. Hill and A. Rousseva)
57. Some new arcs in projective Hjelmslev planes over chain rings, Proc. of the 9th International
Workshop on ACCT, Kranevo, 2004, 56-62. (with S. Boumova)
58. Constructions of (q2 + sq + s +1, q + s + l)-arcs in planes of odd order Proc. of the 9th International Workshop on ACCT, Kranevo, 2004, 260-265. (with A. Rousseva)
59. On the minimum size of some minihypers and related linear codes, Designs, Codes and Cryptography 34(2005), 5-15. (with T. Maruta and A. Rousseva).
60. On the geometric structure of some quaternary codes, Proc. of the 4th International Workshop on Optimal codes and related topics, Pamporovo, 2005, 220-225. (with A. Rousseva)
61. On maximal arcs in projective Hjelmslev planes over chain rings of even characteristic, Finite Fields and Their Applications 11(2005), 292-304. (with Th. Honold)
62. On the automorphism group of the hypothetical 2-(40,10,3) design, Mathematics and Education in Mathematics, Borovetz, 2005, 487-492. (with Kr. Haralambiev)
63. A note on spreads in projective Hjelmslev geometries, Proc. of the 10th International Workshop on Algebraic and Combinatorial Coding Theory, Zvenigorod, Russia, 2006, 182-185.
64. Analysis of the Correctness of an Electronic Voting Scheme, Proc. of the 2nd International Workshop on Informatics and Education in Informatics, Borowets, 2006, 93-98.
65. An extension theorem for arcs and linear codes, Problems of Information Transmission 42(4) (2006), 65-76. (with A. Rousseva)
66. On multiple deletion codes, Serdica J. Computing 1(2006), 13-26. (with Kr. Haralambiev)
67. Caps in projecive Hjelmslev spaces over finite chain rings of nilpotency index 2, Innovations in Incidence Geometry, 4(2006), 13-25. (with Th. Honold )
68. On blocking sets in projective Hjelmslev planes, Advances in Mathematics of Communication 1(2007), 65-82.
69. Optimal linear codes and finite geometries, Journal of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences CXX, 6,
2007, 57-68.
70. A weighted version of a result of Hamada on minihypers and on linear codes meeting the Griesmer bound, Designs, Codes and Cryptography 45 (2007), 123-138. (with L. Storme)
71. Cryptographic protocol, Mathematics and Education in Mathematics, Proc. 36th Spring Conference of the UBM, 2007, 67-81.
72. Plane minihypers related to maximal arcs, Proc 5th Int. Conf. on Optimal Codes and Related Topics, 2007.
73. The nonexistence of some Griesmer arcs in PC(4,5), Serdica J. of Computing 2(2), 2008, 197-206. (with A. Rousseva)
74. Blocking sets of Redei type in projective Hjelmslev planes, Proc. of the XI Workshop on ACCT,
2008, 166-170. (with S. Boev)
75. A note on a result by Hamada on minihypers, Proc. of the XI Workshop on ACCT, 2008, 171-176. (with A. Rousseva)
76. Optimal arcs in Hjelmslev spaces of higher dimension, Proc 6th International Workshop on Optimal codes, Varna, 2009, 132-138. (with S. Boev and Th. Honold)
77. The nonexistence of some optimal arcs in PG(4,4), Proc 6th International Workshop on Optimal codes, Varna, 2009, 139-144. (with A. Rousseva)
78. A family of two-weight ring codes and strongly regular graphs, Compt. Rend. Acad. Bulg. Sei 62, No3 (2009), 297-302. (with S. Boev)
79. Linear codes over finite chain rings and projective Hjelmslev geometries, Codes over Rings, edited by Patrick Sole (CNRS, France) Series on Coding Theory and Cryptology - Vol. 6, World Scientific,
2009, 00.60-123.ISBN 978-981-283-768-4; ISBN 981-283-768-X. (with Th. Honold)
80. Spreads in projective Hjelmslev geometries, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5527(2009), 186¬194.
81. A study of (x(q + 1), x)-minhypers, Designs, Codes and Cryptography 54, No 2 (2010), 135-147. (with L. Storme)
82. New arcs of maximal size in the projective Hjelmslev planes of order 9, Com.pt. Rend. Acad. Bulg. Sei. 63, No 2 (2010), 171-180. (with Th. Honold and M. Kiermaier)
83. On multiple caps, Designs Codes and Cryptography 56(2010), 163-175.(with Y. Edel)
84. The generalizations of some constructions by Megyesi to projective Hjelmlev planes, Proc. 12th Workshop on ACCT, Novosibirsk, 2010, 43-46. (with S. Boev)
85. A class of Griesmer codes related to caps, Proc. 12th Workshop on ACCT, Novosibirsk, 2010, 206-209. (with A. Rousseva)
86. Blocking sets of Redei typein projective Hjelmslev planes, Discrete Mathematics 310(2010), 2061¬2068. (with S. Boev)
87. The dual construction for arcs in projective Hjelmslev spaces, Advances in Matehmatics of Com-munications, 5(2011), 11-21. (with Th. Honold)- in the top ten of the downloaded articles of AMC.
88. On the divisibility of arcs with multiple points, Ann de l’Univ. de Sofia, Faculte de Math, et Inf. vol. 100(2012), 21-26. (with A. Rousseva)
89. Optimal arcs in Hjelmlsev spaces of higher dimension, Compt. Rend, de l’Acad. Bulg. des Sei. 64(2011), 625-632. (with S. Boev and T. Honold)
90. Characterization of some optimal arcs, Advances in Matehmatics of Communications, 5(2011), 317¬332. (with A. Rousseva)
91. A note on (xvt+1, xvt)-minihypers, Proc of the 3rd Castle Meeting in Coding Theory and Applica¬tions (eds. J. Borges, M. Villanueva), Barcelona 2011, pp. 181-186. (with P. Vanderdriesche)
92. The MacWilliams Identities, Proc of the Seventh International Conference on Computer Science and Education in Computer Science, Sofia, 06-10.07.2011, 25-43.
93. Codes over rings and ring geometries, chapter 7 in: ’‘Current research topics in Galois geometries” (eds. L.Storme and Jan De Beule) NOVA Publishers, 2012, 161-186. (ISBN 978-1-61209-523-3) (with Th. Honold)
94. Linear codes and Galois geometries, chapter 8 in: ’‘Current research topics in Galois geometries” (eds. L. Storme and J. De Beule), NOVA Publishers, 187-214. (ISBN 978-1-61209-523-3)(with L. Storme)
95. Non-free extensions of the Simplex codes over a chain ring with four elements, Designs, Codes and Cryptography 63(2012), to appear.
96. Designs in projective Hjelmlsev spaces, Contemporary Mathematics AMS Series, vol. 579, 2012, 111-122. (with M. Kiermaier)
97. A note on (xvt, xvt-1)-minihypers in PG(t,q), Journal of Combinatorial Theory Ser. A 119(2012), 1123-1131. (with P. Vanderdriesche) DOI: 10.1016/j-jcta.2012.02.009
98. On the Sharpness of the Jamison-Bruen Bound, Proc of the 13th Int. Workshop on ACCT, Pomorie, 15-21.06.2012, 223-227. (with A. Rousseva)
99. (xvt, xvt-1)-minihypers in PG(t, q), Proc of the 13th Int. Workshop on ACCT, Pomorie, 15¬21.06.2012, 228-233. (with P. Vanderdriesche)
100. On blocking sets in affine Hjelmlsev spaces, Serdica J. of Computing 6(2)(2012), 175-184. (with S. Boev)
101. A Note on the Existence of R-Analogs of Designs in Projective Hjelmlsev Spaces, Proc. 8th Int. Conference in Computer Science and Education in Computer Science, Boston University, 04.07.-09.07.2012.
102. Chain ring analogs of designs, Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 40(2013), 211-215. (with P. Vandendriesche)
103. On t-fold blocking sets and the sharpness of Bruen’s bound, Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathe¬matics 40(2013), 329-333. (with A. Rousseva)
104. On the rank of incidence matrices in projective Hjelmslev spaces, Proc. Int Workshop on Coding Theory and Cryptography (WCC13), 15-19.04.2013, Bergen, Norway, 459-465. (with P. Vandendri¬esche)
105. A Note on the Existence of Spreads in Projective Hjelmslev Spaces, Seventh International Workshop on Optimal Codes and Related Topics, Albena, Bulgaria, 06.-12.09.2013, 91-95. (with N. Georgieva)
106. Blocking Sets in Finite Projective Spaces and the Extension Problem for Linear Codes, Seventh International Workshop on Optimal Codes and Related Topics, Albena, Bulgaria, 06.-12.09.2013, 140-145. (with A. Rousseva)
107. On the sharpness of Bruen’s bound for intersection sets in Desarguesian affine spaces, Designs, Codes and Cryptography 72(2014), 551-558, DOI 10.1007/sl0623-012-9783-2. (with A. Rousseva)
108. On the rank of incidence matrices in projective Hjelmslev spaces, Designs, Codes and Cryptography 73(2014), 615-623. (with P. Vandendriesche)
109. On the extendability of of quasidivisible arcs, Proc. of the 14th Int. Workshop in ACCT, Svetlo- gorsk, Russia, 2014, 221-226. (with A. Rousseva)
110. Homogeneous arcs in projective Hjelmsev spaces, Proc. of the 14th Int. Workshop in ACCT, Svetlogorsk, Russia, 2014, 80-84. (with S. Boev)
111. On the extendability of Griesmer arcs, Annuaire de l’ Univ. de Sofia 101(2013/14), 183-191. (with A. Rousseva)
112. On the point-by-subspace incidence matrices of projective Hjelmslev spaces, Com.pt. Rend. Acad. Bulg. des Sciences 67(2014), 1485-1490. (with P. Vandendriesche)
113. On the Extendability of Quasidivisible Griesmer Arcs, Designs, Codes and Cryptography 79(2016), 535-547. DOI:10.10007/sl0623-015-0114-2 (with A. Rousseva and L. Storme)
114. The Nonexistence of (104,22;3,5)-Arsc, Advances in Mathematics of Communications 10(3) (2016), 601-611. DOI: 10.3934/amc2016029 (with A. Rousseva)
115. Linear codes close to the Griesmer bound and the related geometric structures, Proc of the 15th International Workshop on ACCT, Albena, 2016, 206-208. (with A. Rousseva)
116. Characterization of highly divisible arcs, Proc of the 15th International Workshop on ACCT, Albena, 2016, 267-271. (with A. Rousseva)
117. On the geometrical sunflower bound, Proc. Eighth International Workshop on Optimal Codes and Related Topics, 06.2017, 93-97. (with L. Lucas, L. Storme, P. Vandendriesche)
118. On the representation of modules over finite chain rings, Annuaire de l’ Univ. de Sofia (Fac. Math, and Inf.) 104(2017), 83-98. (with N. Georgieva)
119. A note on divisible arcs in projective spaces of prime order, Compt. Rend. Acad. Bulg. des Sciences 70(1) (2017), 13-20. (with A. Rousseva)
120. On the Sharpness of the Griesmer bound, Electronic Notes in Discrete Math. 57(2017), 147-152. (with A. Rousseva)
121. On the characterization of (3 mod 5)-arcs, Electronic Notes in Discrete Math. 57(2017), 187-192. (with A. Rousseva)
122. Linear codes close to the Griesmer bound and the related geometric structures, Designs, Codes and Cryptography, 2018, to appear, (with A. Rousseva)
123. New results on spreads in projective Hjelmslev spaces, Designs, Codes and Cryptography, 2018, to appear, (with N. Georgieva)
Научно-популярни и други публикации
1. За същността и функцията на електронния подпис, Пазар и право 6(2001), 28-34. (съвместна със Стефка Атанасова).
2. Критика на закона за електронния документ и електронния подпис, Пазар и право 7(2001), 11-19. (съвместна със Стефка Атанасова).
3. Удостоверяване на електронен подпис, Пазар и право 12(2001), 20-26. (съвместна със Стефка Атанасова).
4. Биномни коефициенти, сб.: Подготовка за олимпиади (ред. С. Гроздев), Математическа библиотека, СМБ, София, 2002, 113-122.
5. Задачи по теория на числата, сб.: Подготовка за олимпиади No4 (ред. О. Мушкаров), Математическа библиотека, СМБ, София, 2003, 63-77.
6. Някои задачи по теория на числата, сб.: Подготовка за олимпиади No6 (ред. Е. Колев,
Н. Николов), Математическа библиотека, СМБ, София, 2003, 63-77.
7. Задачи по комбинаторика, сб. Подготовка за олимпиади No7 (ред. Е. Колев, Н. Николов), Математическа библиотека, СМБ, София, 2005, 75-85.
8. Задачи по екстремална теория на множествата, Олимпийски теми, Американска Фон¬дация за България, 2008, 35-44.
9. Задачи по екстремальной теории множеств, Задачи Санкт Петербургскиой Олимпиады школьников, 2008, 107-116.
10. Турнири, сп. Математика 2(2008), 19-27.
11. Академик Стефан Додунеков (1945-2012), Доклади на 42-Пролетна конференция на СМБ, Боровец, 04.2013, 30-36. (Съвместно с А. Андреев, П. Кендеров)
12. Сто години от рождението на Пол Ердьош, Доклади на 42-Пролетна конференция на СМБ, Боровец, 04.2013, 30-36.
13. Werner Heise (1944-2013), J. Geometry 104(2013), 401-407. (with Th. Honold, H.-J. Kroll, K. Sorensen)
14. Увод в теория на кодирането, Глава 10 в: Основи на Информатиката, Изд. на НБУ, 2017, 147-159. ISBN 978-954-535-983-5.
15. Превод и предговор към: Алберт Айнщайн-Макс Борн. Кореспонденция (1916¬1955). изд. “Изток-Запад”, 330 стр., 2018.
16. Превод на: Улинка Рублак, Астрономът и вещицата, изд. “Изток-Запад”, 346 стр., 2021.
1. A lower bound for the support size of BIBD’s with repeated blocks, Proceedings of the Conference Dedicated to Acad. L.Chakalov, Samokov, 1986, 104-108.
2. Balanced incomplete block designs (11,3,3) with repeated blocks, Mathematics and Education in Mathematics, Sunny Beach, 1987, 487-492, in bulgarian. [MR 89d:05030][ZBl 626.05005]
3. On symmetric 2-(41,16,6) designs invariant under the Frobenius group of Order 10, Com.pt. Rend. Acad. Bulg. Sei., 40 No5, 1987, 29-31. [MR 88k:05029]
4. 2-(25,10,6) designs invariant under the dihedral group of order 10, Annals of Discrete Mathematics, 34, 1987, 301-306. (with S.Kapralov and V.Tonchev) [MR 89e:05031][ZBl 637.05005]
5. On indecomposable balanced incomplete t-designs, Mathematics and Education in Mathematics, Sunny Beach, 1988, 386-389, in bulgarian.
6. Indecomposable block designs with v=7, k=3, Mathematics and Education in Mathematics, Albena, 1989, 386-389, in bulgarian. [MR 90f:05018]
7. Results on the support of BIB designs, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 22, 1989, 295-306. (with A.S.Hedayat and V.Tonchev. [MR 90d:05037][ZBl 674.05006]
8. The possible support sizes for BIB designs with v=8, k 4, Journal of Combinatorial Theory Ser. A, 51, 1989, 258-267. (with A.S.Hedayat and J.Stufken) [MR 91g:05014]
9. Automorphisms of 2-(22,8,4) designs, Discrete Mathematics, 77, 1989, 177-189. (with V.Tonchev) [MR 91a:05011]
10. BIB(22,8,4) designs with automorphisms of order 2 and self-orthogonal codes over GF(3), Mathe¬matics and Education in Mathematics, Sunny Beach, 1990, 109-111, in bulgarian.
11. A new design, Coding Theory and Design Theory, Part II, The IMA Volumes in Mathematics and Its Applications, Vol. 21, Springer 1990, 251-256. (with J.H. van Lint and V.Tonchev) [MR 91f:05018]
12. On the automorphism group of BIB(22,33,12,8,4) designs, Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on ACCT, Leningrad, September 1990, 133-136. (with K. Manev)
13. On the Z-rank of certain (0,l)-matrices, Derived from Combinatorial Designs, Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on ACCT, V.voda, June 1992, 118-121.
14. On block designs with repeated blocks, Discrete Mathematics, 106/107, 1992, 317-328.
15. A family of codes derived from finite affine spaces, Atti del Seminario Matematico e Fisico dell’Universiia di Modena, XLII, 1994, 455-466.
16. Some lower bounds for mixed covering codes, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 781, 1994, 38-50. (with E. Kolev)
17. Some aspects of anonymity of communications, Swedish-Russian Workshop on Information Theory, Molle, 22-27 August, 1993,287-291.
18. Optimal quaternary codes of dimension four and five, "Algebraic and Comb. Coding Theory", Proc. of the Workshop on ACCT, Novgorod, 1994, 98-101. (with R. Hill and P. Lizak)
19. On near-MDS codes, Proc. of the IEEE Symposium on Information Theory, Trondheim, Norway, 1994, 427. (with S. Dodunekov)
20. On near-MDS codes, Journal of Geometry, 54, 1995, 30-43. (with S. Dodunekov)
21. On a two-dimensional search problem, Serdica Math. J., 21, 1995, 219-230. (with E. Kolev)
22. The nonexistence of [143,5,94]3 codes, Proc. Int. Workshop on Optimal Codes, Sozopol, 1995, 108-117.
23. On maximal spherical codes, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 948, 1995, 158-168. (with P. Boyvalenkov)
24. On the onexistence of [51,4,37]4 codes, Finite Fields and Their Applications, 2, 1996, 96-110. (with R. Hill and T. Maruta)
25. On the binary codes of Steiner Triple Systems, Designs, Codes and Cryptography, 8(1996), 29-43. (with A. Baartmans and V. Tonchev)
26. The geometry of (n, 3)-arcs in the projective plane of order 5, Proc. of the Sixth Workshop on ACCT, Sozopol, 1996, 170-175.
27. Constructions of group divisible designs, Designs, Codes and Cryptography, 8, 1996, 309-318.
28. On the quaternary [11,6,5] and [12,6,6] codes, Applications of Finite Fields (ed. D. Gollmann), IMA Conference Series 59, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1996, 75-84. (with S. Dodunekov)
29. On the nonexistence of some quaternary codes, Applications of Finite Fields (ed. D. Gollmann), IMA Conference Series 59, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1996, 85-98 (with R. Hill)
30. Secret sharing schemes and linear codes over finite fields, Math, and Education in Mathematics, Proc of the 26th Spring Conference of the Union of Bulgarian Mathematicians, Plovdiv, 1997, 13-27.
31. A note on the MacWilliams identities, Compt. Rend. Bulg. Acad. Sei., 50(9-10), 1997, 17-18.
32. Optimal linear codes of dimension 4 over F5, Lecture Notes in Comp. Science, 1255, 1997, 212-220.
33. Projective Hjelmslev geometries, Proc. of the International Workshop on Optimal Codes, Sozopol, 1998, 97-115. (with Th. Honold)
34. Linear codes over finite chain rings, Proc. of the International Workshop on Optimal Codes, Sozopol, 1998, 116-126. (with Th. Honold)
35. The nonexistence of some ternary optimal codes of dimension five, Designs, Codes and Cryptography 15, 1998, 245-258.
36. Linearly representable codes over chain rings, Proc. of the Int. Workshop on ACCT , Pskov, Russia,
1998, pp. 135-141. (with Th. Honold)
37. New symmetric (61,16,4) designs invariant under the dihedral group of order 10, Serdica Math. J., 24, 1998, 179-186. (with Sv. Topalova)
38. All Reed-Muller codes are linearly representable over the ring of dual numbers over Z2, IEEE Trans, on Information Theory, 45, 1999, 700-701. (with Th. Honold)
39. Linearly representable codes over chain rings, Abhandlungen des Mathematischen Seminars der Universitat Hamburg, 69, 1999, 187-203. (with Th. Honold)
40. On maximal spherical codes - II, Journal of Combinatorial Designs, 7(5), 1999. (with P.Boyvalenkov and D.Danev)
41. On the minimum length of quaternary linear codes of dimension five, Discrete Mathematics, 202,
1999, 145-161. (with T. Maruta)
42. Linear codes over finite chain rings, Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 7(1), 2000, Rll. (with Th. Honold)
43. Near-MDS Codes over some small fields, Discrete Mathematics, 213, 2000, 55-65. (with S. Do- dunekov)
44. Linear codes over finite fields and finite projective geometries, Discrete Mathematics, 213, 2000, 211-214.
45. On complete caps in the projective geometries over F3, Journal of Geometry, 67, 2000, 127-144. (with Ray Hill, Chris Jones, Leo Storme and Janos Barat)
46. Caps in PG{5,3) and PG{6,3), Proc. of the 7th International Workshop on ACCT, Bansko, 2000, 65-67. (with J. Barat, Y. Edel, R.Hill, C. Jones and L. Storme).
47. Arcs in projective Hjelmslev spaces obtained from Teichmuller sets, Proc. of the 7th International Workshop on ACCT, Bansko, 2000, 177-182. (with L. Hemme and Th. Honold)
48. Optimal linear codes over F5, Proc. of the 7th International Workshop on ACCT, Bansko, 2000, 207-212. (with A. Rousseva)
49. Mac Williams identities for codes over finite Frobenius rings, In: Finite Fields and Applications (eds. D. Jungnickel, H. Niederreiter), Springer, 2000, 276-292. (with Th. Honold)
50. Dugi v proektivnyh Hjelmslevovyh ploskostyah, Diskretnaya Matematika 13(1) (2001), 90-109.
English translation: Arcs in projective Hjelmslev planes, Discrete Mathematics and Applications 11, 2001, 53-70. (with Th. Honold)
51. On arcs in projective Hjelmslev planes, Discrete Mathematics, 231, 2001, 265-278. (with Th. Honold)
52. On (q2 + q + 2, q + 2)-arcs in the projective plane PG(2, q), Designs, Codes and Cryptography, 24, 2001, 205-224. (with S. Ball, R. Hill and N.H. Ward)
53. The geometric approach to linear codes, in: Finite Geometries (eds. A. Blokhuis, J. Hirschfeld, D. Jungnickel, J. Thas), Ser. Developments in Mathematics, 2001, 247-257.
54. The classification of the largest caps in AG{5,3), Journal of Combinatorial Theory Ser. A, 99(2002), 95-110. (with Y. Edel, S. Ferret, L. Storme)
55. On the nonexistence of some optimal arcs in PC?(4,4), Proc. of the 8th International Workshop on ACCT, Carskoe selo, 2002, 176-180. (with A. Rousseva)
56. On optimal codes over the field with five elements, Designs Codes and Cryptography, 29(2003),
165-175. (with T. Maruta, R. Hill and A. Rousseva)
57. Some new arcs in projective Hjelmslev planes over chain rings, Proc. of the 9th International
Workshop on ACCT, Kranevo, 2004, 56-62. (with S. Boumova)
58. Constructions of (q2 + sq + s +1, q + s + l)-arcs in planes of odd order Proc. of the 9th International Workshop on ACCT, Kranevo, 2004, 260-265. (with A. Rousseva)
59. On the minimum size of some minihypers and related linear codes, Designs, Codes and Cryptography 34(2005), 5-15. (with T. Maruta and A. Rousseva).
60. On the geometric structure of some quaternary codes, Proc. of the 4th International Workshop on Optimal codes and related topics, Pamporovo, 2005, 220-225. (with A. Rousseva)
61. On maximal arcs in projective Hjelmslev planes over chain rings of even characteristic, Finite Fields and Their Applications 11(2005), 292-304. (with Th. Honold)
62. On the automorphism group of the hypothetical 2-(40,10,3) design, Mathematics and Education in Mathematics, Borovetz, 2005, 487-492. (with Kr. Haralambiev)
63. A note on spreads in projective Hjelmslev geometries, Proc. of the 10th International Workshop on Algebraic and Combinatorial Coding Theory, Zvenigorod, Russia, 2006, 182-185.
64. Analysis of the Correctness of an Electronic Voting Scheme, Proc. of the 2nd International Workshop on Informatics and Education in Informatics, Borowets, 2006, 93-98.
65. An extension theorem for arcs and linear codes, Problems of Information Transmission 42(4) (2006), 65-76. (with A. Rousseva)
66. On multiple deletion codes, Serdica J. Computing 1(2006), 13-26. (with Kr. Haralambiev)
67. Caps in projecive Hjelmslev spaces over finite chain rings of nilpotency index 2, Innovations in Incidence Geometry, 4(2006), 13-25. (with Th. Honold )
68. On blocking sets in projective Hjelmslev planes, Advances in Mathematics of Communication 1(2007), 65-82.
69. Optimal linear codes and finite geometries, Journal of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences CXX, 6,
2007, 57-68.
70. A weighted version of a result of Hamada on minihypers and on linear codes meeting the Griesmer bound, Designs, Codes and Cryptography 45 (2007), 123-138. (with L. Storme)
71. Cryptographic protocol, Mathematics and Education in Mathematics, Proc. 36th Spring Conference of the UBM, 2007, 67-81.
72. Plane minihypers related to maximal arcs, Proc 5th Int. Conf. on Optimal Codes and Related Topics, 2007.
73. The nonexistence of some Griesmer arcs in PC(4,5), Serdica J. of Computing 2(2), 2008, 197-206. (with A. Rousseva)
74. Blocking sets of Redei type in projective Hjelmslev planes, Proc. of the XI Workshop on ACCT,
2008, 166-170. (with S. Boev)
75. A note on a result by Hamada on minihypers, Proc. of the XI Workshop on ACCT, 2008, 171-176. (with A. Rousseva)
76. Optimal arcs in Hjelmslev spaces of higher dimension, Proc 6th International Workshop on Optimal codes, Varna, 2009, 132-138. (with S. Boev and Th. Honold)
77. The nonexistence of some optimal arcs in PG(4,4), Proc 6th International Workshop on Optimal codes, Varna, 2009, 139-144. (with A. Rousseva)
78. A family of two-weight ring codes and strongly regular graphs, Compt. Rend. Acad. Bulg. Sei 62, No3 (2009), 297-302. (with S. Boev)
79. Linear codes over finite chain rings and projective Hjelmslev geometries, Codes over Rings, edited by Patrick Sole (CNRS, France) Series on Coding Theory and Cryptology - Vol. 6, World Scientific,
2009, 00.60-123.ISBN 978-981-283-768-4; ISBN 981-283-768-X. (with Th. Honold)
80. Spreads in projective Hjelmslev geometries, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5527(2009), 186¬194.
81. A study of (x(q + 1), x)-minhypers, Designs, Codes and Cryptography 54, No 2 (2010), 135-147. (with L. Storme)
82. New arcs of maximal size in the projective Hjelmslev planes of order 9, Com.pt. Rend. Acad. Bulg. Sei. 63, No 2 (2010), 171-180. (with Th. Honold and M. Kiermaier)
83. On multiple caps, Designs Codes and Cryptography 56(2010), 163-175.(with Y. Edel)
84. The generalizations of some constructions by Megyesi to projective Hjelmlev planes, Proc. 12th Workshop on ACCT, Novosibirsk, 2010, 43-46. (with S. Boev)
85. A class of Griesmer codes related to caps, Proc. 12th Workshop on ACCT, Novosibirsk, 2010, 206-209. (with A. Rousseva)
86. Blocking sets of Redei typein projective Hjelmslev planes, Discrete Mathematics 310(2010), 2061¬2068. (with S. Boev)
87. The dual construction for arcs in projective Hjelmslev spaces, Advances in Matehmatics of Com-munications, 5(2011), 11-21. (with Th. Honold)- in the top ten of the downloaded articles of AMC.
88. On the divisibility of arcs with multiple points, Ann de l’Univ. de Sofia, Faculte de Math, et Inf. vol. 100(2012), 21-26. (with A. Rousseva)
89. Optimal arcs in Hjelmlsev spaces of higher dimension, Compt. Rend, de l’Acad. Bulg. des Sei. 64(2011), 625-632. (with S. Boev and T. Honold)
90. Characterization of some optimal arcs, Advances in Matehmatics of Communications, 5(2011), 317¬332. (with A. Rousseva)
91. A note on (xvt+1, xvt)-minihypers, Proc of the 3rd Castle Meeting in Coding Theory and Applica¬tions (eds. J. Borges, M. Villanueva), Barcelona 2011, pp. 181-186. (with P. Vanderdriesche)
92. The MacWilliams Identities, Proc of the Seventh International Conference on Computer Science and Education in Computer Science, Sofia, 06-10.07.2011, 25-43.
93. Codes over rings and ring geometries, chapter 7 in: ’‘Current research topics in Galois geometries” (eds. L.Storme and Jan De Beule) NOVA Publishers, 2012, 161-186. (ISBN 978-1-61209-523-3) (with Th. Honold)
94. Linear codes and Galois geometries, chapter 8 in: ’‘Current research topics in Galois geometries” (eds. L. Storme and J. De Beule), NOVA Publishers, 187-214. (ISBN 978-1-61209-523-3)(with L. Storme)
95. Non-free extensions of the Simplex codes over a chain ring with four elements, Designs, Codes and Cryptography 63(2012), to appear.
96. Designs in projective Hjelmlsev spaces, Contemporary Mathematics AMS Series, vol. 579, 2012, 111-122. (with M. Kiermaier)
97. A note on (xvt, xvt-1)-minihypers in PG(t,q), Journal of Combinatorial Theory Ser. A 119(2012), 1123-1131. (with P. Vanderdriesche) DOI: 10.1016/j-jcta.2012.02.009
98. On the Sharpness of the Jamison-Bruen Bound, Proc of the 13th Int. Workshop on ACCT, Pomorie, 15-21.06.2012, 223-227. (with A. Rousseva)
99. (xvt, xvt-1)-minihypers in PG(t, q), Proc of the 13th Int. Workshop on ACCT, Pomorie, 15¬21.06.2012, 228-233. (with P. Vanderdriesche)
100. On blocking sets in affine Hjelmlsev spaces, Serdica J. of Computing 6(2)(2012), 175-184. (with S. Boev)
101. A Note on the Existence of R-Analogs of Designs in Projective Hjelmlsev Spaces, Proc. 8th Int. Conference in Computer Science and Education in Computer Science, Boston University, 04.07.-09.07.2012.
102. Chain ring analogs of designs, Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 40(2013), 211-215. (with P. Vandendriesche)
103. On t-fold blocking sets and the sharpness of Bruen’s bound, Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathe¬matics 40(2013), 329-333. (with A. Rousseva)
104. On the rank of incidence matrices in projective Hjelmslev spaces, Proc. Int Workshop on Coding Theory and Cryptography (WCC13), 15-19.04.2013, Bergen, Norway, 459-465. (with P. Vandendri¬esche)
105. A Note on the Existence of Spreads in Projective Hjelmslev Spaces, Seventh International Workshop on Optimal Codes and Related Topics, Albena, Bulgaria, 06.-12.09.2013, 91-95. (with N. Georgieva)
106. Blocking Sets in Finite Projective Spaces and the Extension Problem for Linear Codes, Seventh International Workshop on Optimal Codes and Related Topics, Albena, Bulgaria, 06.-12.09.2013, 140-145. (with A. Rousseva)
107. On the sharpness of Bruen’s bound for intersection sets in Desarguesian affine spaces, Designs, Codes and Cryptography 72(2014), 551-558, DOI 10.1007/sl0623-012-9783-2. (with A. Rousseva)
108. On the rank of incidence matrices in projective Hjelmslev spaces, Designs, Codes and Cryptography 73(2014), 615-623. (with P. Vandendriesche)
109. On the extendability of of quasidivisible arcs, Proc. of the 14th Int. Workshop in ACCT, Svetlo- gorsk, Russia, 2014, 221-226. (with A. Rousseva)
110. Homogeneous arcs in projective Hjelmsev spaces, Proc. of the 14th Int. Workshop in ACCT, Svetlogorsk, Russia, 2014, 80-84. (with S. Boev)
111. On the extendability of Griesmer arcs, Annuaire de l’ Univ. de Sofia 101(2013/14), 183-191. (with A. Rousseva)
112. On the point-by-subspace incidence matrices of projective Hjelmslev spaces, Com.pt. Rend. Acad. Bulg. des Sciences 67(2014), 1485-1490. (with P. Vandendriesche)
113. On the Extendability of Quasidivisible Griesmer Arcs, Designs, Codes and Cryptography 79(2016), 535-547. DOI:10.10007/sl0623-015-0114-2 (with A. Rousseva and L. Storme)
114. The Nonexistence of (104,22;3,5)-Arsc, Advances in Mathematics of Communications 10(3) (2016), 601-611. DOI: 10.3934/amc2016029 (with A. Rousseva)
115. Linear codes close to the Griesmer bound and the related geometric structures, Proc of the 15th International Workshop on ACCT, Albena, 2016, 206-208. (with A. Rousseva)
116. Characterization of highly divisible arcs, Proc of the 15th International Workshop on ACCT, Albena, 2016, 267-271. (with A. Rousseva)
117. On the geometrical sunflower bound, Proc. Eighth International Workshop on Optimal Codes and Related Topics, 06.2017, 93-97. (with L. Lucas, L. Storme, P. Vandendriesche)
118. On the representation of modules over finite chain rings, Annuaire de l’ Univ. de Sofia (Fac. Math, and Inf.) 104(2017), 83-98. (with N. Georgieva)
119. A note on divisible arcs in projective spaces of prime order, Compt. Rend. Acad. Bulg. des Sciences 70(1) (2017), 13-20. (with A. Rousseva)
120. On the Sharpness of the Griesmer bound, Electronic Notes in Discrete Math. 57(2017), 147-152. (with A. Rousseva)
121. On the characterization of (3 mod 5)-arcs, Electronic Notes in Discrete Math. 57(2017), 187-192. (with A. Rousseva)
122. Linear codes close to the Griesmer bound and the related geometric structures, Designs, Codes and Cryptography, 2018, to appear, (with A. Rousseva)
123. New results on spreads in projective Hjelmslev spaces, Designs, Codes and Cryptography, 2018, to appear, (with N. Georgieva)
Научно-популярни и други публикации
1. За същността и функцията на електронния подпис, Пазар и право 6(2001), 28-34. (съвместна със Стефка Атанасова).
2. Критика на закона за електронния документ и електронния подпис, Пазар и право 7(2001), 11-19. (съвместна със Стефка Атанасова).
3. Удостоверяване на електронен подпис, Пазар и право 12(2001), 20-26. (съвместна със Стефка Атанасова).
4. Биномни коефициенти, сб.: Подготовка за олимпиади (ред. С. Гроздев), Математическа библиотека, СМБ, София, 2002, 113-122.
5. Задачи по теория на числата, сб.: Подготовка за олимпиади No4 (ред. О. Мушкаров), Математическа библиотека, СМБ, София, 2003, 63-77.
6. Някои задачи по теория на числата, сб.: Подготовка за олимпиади No6 (ред. Е. Колев,
Н. Николов), Математическа библиотека, СМБ, София, 2003, 63-77.
7. Задачи по комбинаторика, сб. Подготовка за олимпиади No7 (ред. Е. Колев, Н. Николов), Математическа библиотека, СМБ, София, 2005, 75-85.
8. Задачи по екстремална теория на множествата, Олимпийски теми, Американска Фон¬дация за България, 2008, 35-44.
9. Задачи по екстремальной теории множеств, Задачи Санкт Петербургскиой Олимпиады школьников, 2008, 107-116.
10. Турнири, сп. Математика 2(2008), 19-27.
11. Академик Стефан Додунеков (1945-2012), Доклади на 42-Пролетна конференция на СМБ, Боровец, 04.2013, 30-36. (Съвместно с А. Андреев, П. Кендеров)
12. Сто години от рождението на Пол Ердьош, Доклади на 42-Пролетна конференция на СМБ, Боровец, 04.2013, 30-36.
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14. Увод в теория на кодирането, Глава 10 в: Основи на Информатиката, Изд. на НБУ, 2017, 147-159. ISBN 978-954-535-983-5.
15. Превод и предговор към: Алберт Айнщайн-Макс Борн. Кореспонденция (1916¬1955). изд. “Изток-Запад”, 330 стр., 2018.
16. Превод на: Улинка Рублак, Астрономът и вещицата, изд. “Изток-Запад”, 346 стр., 2021.