


Faculty members of the Informatics Department work in the areas of Informatics, Automation of Areas from Non-material Sphere, Methodology of Teaching Informatics, Algebra and Number Theory, Differential Equations, Applied Geometry and Engineer Graphics, Operational Research, Cognitive Linguistics, Systems for Automatic Constructional Engineering and Automation of Engineer Labor, Automatics, Computing Machinery and Management Systems, Computer Systems, Complex Networks, Automation of Engineer Labor for automatic constructional engineering systems.


The department holds a regular scientific seminar as well as an international annual conference.
The department is engaged in a contracted, collaborative activity with universities in Germany, Finland, France, Belgium, and the USA, among other countries.


The Department works with students from the Multimedia and Computer Graphics Department as well as the MA Multimedia and Computer Animation, which can be seen in the 3D virtual Gallery.



Department Chair
Assoc. Prof. Dimitar Atanasov, PhD
Building 2, Room 611
tel.: 02/8110 611
е-mail: datanasov@nbu.bg


Tanya Doldurova
Building 2, Room 611
tel.: 02/8110 611
e-mail: tdoldurova@nbu.bg