

гл. ас. д-р Десислава Георгиева

гл. ас. д-р Десислава Георгиева

Департамент: Информатика

Телефон: -

E-mail: dvelcheva@nbu.bg

Приемно време: Сряда 12:30-14:30 712А II Корпус,Петък 16:15-18:15 712А II Корпус

Професионална автобиография:

Десислава Георгиева има магистърска степен по архитектура от УАСГ, 1999 г. и магистърска степен по компютърни технологии от НБУ, 2003 г. Докторска степен защитава в професионално направление 5.3 Комуникационна и компютърна техника, научна специалност „Автоматизация на области от нематериалната сфера”, ТУ-София, 2014 г.

От 2005 г. е щатен преподавател в НБУ, води курсове по двумерна и тримерна компютърна графика и тримерна анимация. Заемала е и административните длъжности - програмен директор, програмен консултант, член на програмен съвет. Ръководител на множество защитили дипломанти. Автор и съавтор на редица научни публикации в български и международни конференции и научни издания.

Основни изследователски интереси в областта на обработката на изображения, двумерна и тримерна компютърна графика.


1. Ivanov, I. Evg., Gueorguiev, V., Georgieva, D., Nenova, M. (2020). Test-based approach to selecting a new PACS, BalkanLight Junior 2020, 24 - 26 September 2020, ISBN: 978-1-7281-9963-4 (IEEE conference)
2. Ivanov, I. Evg., Gueorguiev, V., Georgieva, D., Nenova, M. (2020). Sketch drawing on infinite paper sheets, BalkanLight Junior 2020, 24 - 26 September 2020, ISBN: 978-1-7281-9963-4 (IEEE conference)
3. Nenova, V., Nenova, M., Georgieva, D., Gueorguiev, V. (2020). ISO standard implementation impact in COVID-19 erra on UV-lighting devices, BalkanLight Junior 2020, 24 - 26 September 2020, ISBN: 978-1-7281-9963-4 (IEEE conference)
4. Ivanov, I. Evg., Gueorguiev, V., Georgieva, D., Nenova, M., Ivanov, B. (2020). Risk-Based Testing Approach For Medical Devices Software, In Proceedings of the Technical University – Sofia, Volume 70, Issue 4, 2020, pp. 41-48, ISSN 1311-0829, DOI 10.47978/TUS.2020.70.04.025
5. Nenova, М., Gueorguiev, V., Madzhirov, S., Georgieva,D., Ivanov, I. Evg. (2020). Cybersecurity In Smart Cars, In Proceedings of the Technical University – Sofia, Volume 70, Issue 4, 2020, pp. 59-66, ISSN 1311-0829, DOI 10.47978/TUS.2020.70.04.025
6. Ivanov, I., Gueorguiev, V., Georgieva, D. (2019). An adaptive system for quality improved digitalization of medical images, In Proceedings of Lighting'2019, Sept. 2019, ISSN 26030-414X (IEEE conference, Scopus)
7. Ivanov, I., Gueorguiev, V., Georgieva, D. (2019). Software Structure, Program Generation and Schedulability Analysis of Extracorporeal Perfusion Pump Embedded Controller, In Proceedings of 2019 8th Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing (MECO), 2019, Budva, Montenegro, pp. 279-283, ISBN: 9781728117393, 10.1109/MECO.2019.8760025 (IEEE Conference, Scopus)
8. Иванов, Б., Ненова, М., Георгиева Д. (2019). Изследване и подобряване на качеството на вградена система за управление на перфузионна помпа, Международна конференция АВТОМАТИКА’2019, Годишник на Технически Университет-София, том 69, книга 2, 2019, стр. 279-286, ISSN 1311-0829
9. Georgieva, D., Gueorguiev, V., Evgeniev, I., (2018). A Didactic Approach to Improve the Photorealistic Quality of Final Student Images. International Journal of Engineering Research and Allied Science, vol. 3, issue 7, pp. 1-6, 2018, ISSN: 2455-9660
10. Nenova, M., Iliev, G., Bhosale, K., Tasgoankar, Y., Georgieva, D. (2018). Novel Data Mining Based Algorithms for Intrusion Detection in Communication Networks. The Seventh Balkan Conference on Lighting BALKAN LIGHT 2018, St. St. Constantine and Elena resort, Bulgaria, 2018, ISSN 2603-414X
11. Kulashki, B., Nenova, M., Djukendjiev, G., Georgieva, D. (2018). Investigation of the Influence of Lighting on the Quality Indicators of Signal Security Activity. The Seventh Balkan Conference on Lighting BALKAN LIGHT 2018, St. St. Constantine and Elena resort, ISSN 2603-414X
12. Ivanov, I., Gueorguiev, V., Georgieva, D. (2017). Cyber-Physical Systems: Educational Problems and Solutions, International Journal of Engineering Research and Management, vol. 4, issue 7, pp. 26-30, ISSN: 2349-2058
13. Georgieva, D., Gueorguiev, V., Ivanov, I. (2017). Enhancement of CT images with Pseudo-HDR Method. International Journal of Engineering Research and Management, vol. 4, issue 7, pp. 31-36, ISSN: 2349- 2058
14. Кралев, Й., Иванов, Б., Иванов, И., Йончев, A., Георгиева, Д. (2017). Един подход за управление на перфузионна помпа при нанофилтрация. Годишник на Технически Университет - София, том 67, кн. 2, ISSN 1311-0829
15. Moskov, P., Evgeniev, I., Gueorguiev, V., Georgieva, D. (2016). Analyzing of Functionality of Most Useable Emergency Medical Services Software Products. In proceeding of The International eHealth, Telemedicine and Health ICT Forum for Educational, Networking and Business (Med-e-Tel 2016), pp. 568-571
16. Ivanov, I., Gueorguiev, V., Georgieva, D. (2016). The Enhancement of Emergency Medical Services Systems. International Journal of Engineering Research and Allied Science, vol. 1, issue 5, pp. 1-6, ISSN: 2455-9660
17. Moskov, P., Evgeniev, I., Gueorguiev, V., Georgieva, D. (2016). Using Quality Indicators to Improve Emergency Medical Services Systems Efficiency. The International eHealth, Telemedicine and Health ICT Forum for Educational, Networking and Business (Med-e-Tel 2016), pp. 585-589
18. Gueorguiev, V., Georgieva, D., Ivanov, I. (2016). New Healthcare Challenges Require New Generation of Hospital Information Systems. International Journal of Engineering Research and Management, vol. 3, issue 8, pp. 7-13, ISSN:2349-2058
19. Gueorguiev, V., Ivanov, I., Georgieva, D. (2015). New Generation Advanced Analytics Tools in Medical Systems. In proceeding of The Seventh International Conference on eHealth, Telemedicine, and Social Medicine (eTELEMED 2015), pp. 107-111, ISBN: 978-1-61208-384-1
20. Tcharaktchiev, D., Ivanov, I., Gueorguiev, V., Georgieva, D. (2015). Design of Modern Mobile Devices Based on Medical Information Interchange Standards. In Electronic Proceedings of The International eHealth, Telemedicine and Health ICT Forum for Educational, Networking and Business (Med-e-Tel 2015), pp. 629-634, ISSN 1818 - 9334
21. Georgieva, D., Gueorguiev, V., Ivanov, I. (2014). A Pseudo-HDR Method Implementation for Medical Images Enhancement. New Post-Processing Method for Xray Chest Image Quality Enhancement. International Journal on Advances in Life Sciences, vol. 6, no. 3 & 4, 2014, pp. 195-209, ISSN 1942-2660
22. Georgieva, D., Gueorguiev, V. (2014). Computer-Assisted Pseudo-Coloring Method Of Lung X-rays. In proceeding of 10th Annual International Conference on Computer Science and Education in Computer Science (CSECS 2014)
23. Gueorguiev, V., Georgieva, D., Ivanov, I. (2014). Pseudo-Coloring Method for Diagnostics of Lung Diseases. In proceeding of The International eHealth, Telemedicine and Health ICT Forum for Educational, Networking and Business (Med-e-Tel 2014), 29-33, ISSN 1998 – 5509
24. Георгиева, Д. (2014). Оценка на качеството на процеса на дигитализация на аналогови рентгенови изображения. Рентгенология. Радиология, том LIII, кн. 1, стр. 42-51, ISSN: 0486-400Х
25. Gueorguiev, V., Ivanov, I., Georgieva, D. (2014). Medical Images Enhancement with Pseudo-HDR Method. eTELEMED 2014
26. Georgieva, D. (2013). The quality of color-to-gray conversion for medical images: A new metrics for its evaluation. In proceeding of Information, Communication and Control Systems and Technologies, year II, no.1, pp. 54-59, ISSN 1314-7455
27. Gueorguiev, V., Georgieva, D., Evgeniev, I., Nenova, M. (2013). Advancing in Digitalized X-ray Images Post-processing. In proceeding of The Fifth International Conference on eHealth, Telemedicine, and Social Medicine (eTELEMED 2013), 234 – 239, ISBN: 978-1-61208-252-3
28. Gueorguiev, V., Evgeniev, I., Georgieva, D. (2013). New 3D Vision is the Future of the Telemedicine. In proceeding of The International eHealth, Telemedicine and Health ICT Forum for Educational, Networking and Business (Med-e-Tel 2013), pp. 420-423, ISSN 1818 – 9334
29. Ivanov, I., Gueorguiev, V., Georgieva, D., Gerova, S. (2013). The Bioresonanse Approaches for Telediagnosis and Telecare. In proceeding of The International eHealth, Telemedicine and Health ICT Forum for Educational, Networking and Business (Med-e-Tel 2013), pp. 662-665, ISSN 1818 – 9334
30. Ivanov, I., Gueorguiev, V., Georgieva, D. (2013). Stereo 3D Displays and Telemedicine: How to Select Stereo 3D Technology for Telemedical Applications. In Proceedings of The Second International Conference on Global Health Challenges (GLOBAL HEALTH 2013), pp. 23-27, ISBN: 978-1-61208-314-8
31. Nenova, M., Georgieva, D., Gueorguiev, V., Evgeniev, I. (2012). Aspects of Information Security According to the Group of Standards ISO27 and Cryptography Protocols. In proceeding of International Conference on Application of Information and Communication Technology and Statistics in Economy and Education (ICAICTSEE-2012), pp. 614-617, ISBN 978-954-92247-4-0
32. Gueorguiev, V., Evgeniev, I., Georgieva, D., Nenova, M. (2012). E-Health Dilemma in the Next Ten Years. In proceeding of The International eHealth, Telemedicine and Health ICT Forum for Educational, Networking and Business (Med-e-Tel 2012), pp. 322-327, ISSN: 1998-5509
33. Evgeniev, I., Gueorguiev, V., Gueorguieva, D., Nenova, M. (2012). A New Generation of Hospital Information Systems – Questions and Directions. In proceeding of The Iadis International Conference e-Society 2012, pp. 493-498, ISBN: 978-972-8939-67-0
34. Georgieva, D., Gueorguiev, V., Evgeniev, I., Nenova. M. (2011). X-Ray Image Based Computer-assisted methods for Pulmonary Diseases. In proceeding of The International eHealth, Telemedicine and Health ICT Forum for Educational, Networking and Business (Med-e-Tel 2011), pp. 429-434, ISSN: 1998-5509
35. Gueorguiev, V., Ivanov, I., Georgieva, D. (2011). Digital Cameras as Low-Cost Tools for Telemedicine and E-Health: Opportunities and Constraints. In proceeding of 4-th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC'2011), pp. 608-613,ISBN: 978-989-8425-34-8
36. Georgieva, D., Gueorguiev, V., Evgeniev, I. (2010). Problems in the Digitalization of X-Ray, Ultrasonic and Doppler Machine Images. In proceeding of : 6th Annual International Conference on Computer Science and Education in Computer Science 2010 (CSECS 2010), ISBN: 978-954-535-573-8
37. Георгиев, В., Георгиева, Д. (2009). Методи за научни визуализации – част 1. Годишник на Технически Университет - София, том 59, 39-51, ISSN 1311-0829
38. Георгиев, В., Георгиева, Д. (2009). Методи за научни визуализации – част 2. Годишник на Технически Университет - София, том 59, 52-62, ISSN 1311-0829
39. Gueorguiev, V., Georgieva, D. (2009). Information visualization as a way to reveal hidden information. In proceeding of 5th International Scientific Conference Computer Science’2009, ISBN:978-954-438-853-9
40. Gueorguiev, V., Georgieva, D. (2009). How People Perceive Information by Vision. In proceeding of 5th International Scientific Conference Computer Science’2009, ISBN:978-954-438-853-9
41. Gueorguiev, V., Georgieva, D. (2008). Architectural Visualization: Understandings And Misunderstandings. In proceeding of International Scientific Conference Computer Science, pp. 340-345
42. Ivanov, I., Gueorguiev, V., Georgieva, D. (2008), Bulgarian Ict-Industry vs. Computer Education in Universities: The Future of Young Professionals. In proceeding of 4th annual international workshop on computer science and education in computer science’2008, pp. 40-49, ISSN: 1313-862
43. Gueorguiev, V., Georgieva, D. (2008), Facial Animation Models: Characteristics of Existing Methods and Techniques, Computer engineering, Vol. 2, No. 1, ISSN(p) 1314-2291
44. Иванов, И., Георгиев, В., Георгиева, Д. (2007). Тенденции в развитието на ICT-бранша и потенциалната реализуемост на бъдещите млади специалисти, Годишник на Технически Университет - София
45. Gueorguiev, V., Georgieva, D. (2007). V. E. Gueorguiev, D. V. Georgieva, Digital Lighting in Photorealistic Visualizations, 3rd Balkan Conference in Informatics BCI’07
46. Georgieva, D., Gueorguiev, V. (2007). Textures in realistic visualization: between art and mediocrity, 3rd Balkan Conference in Informatics BCI’07
47. Georgieva, D., Gueorguiev, V. (2007). Realistic Textures: Between Art and Technology, 3rd annual international workshop on computer science and education in computer science’2007
48. Георгиев, В., Иванов, И., Георгиева, Д. (2006). Защо най-трудно се създават инженери за вградени устройства, Годишник на Технически Университет – София, 2006, том 56, книга 2, стр. 404-413
49. Gueorguiev, V., Georgieva, D., Ivanov, I.(2006). Programming for Embedded Devices: AlgorithmS + Data ? Program. In proceeding of 2nd Annual International Workshop on Computer Science and Education in Computer Science
50. Gueorguiev, V., Georgieva, D. (2006). How to choose the best renderer. In proceeding of Third International Bulgarian-Turkish Conference Computer Science'06
51. Gueorguiev, V., Ivanov, I., Georgieva, D. (2006). The REMPLI project: Real-time Energy Management via Powerlines and Internet. In proceeding of International Scientific Conference Computer Science’2006
52. Gueorguiev, V., Velcheva, D. (2005). Bulgarian language speech and lip-sync animation. In proceeding of CompSysTech' 2005